Housing News


Sellers: Don’t Let These Two Things Hold You Back

Many homeowners thinking about selling have two key things holding them back. That’s feeling locked in by today’s higher mortgage rates and worrying they won’t be able to find something to buy while supply is so low. Let’s dive into each challenge and give you some helpful advice on how to overcome these obstacles. Challenge #1: The

Sellers: Don’t Let These Two Things Hold You Back Read More »


Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in 2023

The housing market has gone through a lot of change recently, and much of that was a result of how quickly mortgage rates rose last year. Now, as we move through 2023, there are signs things are finally going to turn around. Home price appreciation is slowing from the recent frenzy, mortgage rates are coming down, inflation is easing,

Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in 2023 Read More »


What Past Recessions Tell Us About the Housing Market

It doesn’t matter if you’re someone who closely follows the economy or not, chances are you’ve heard whispers of an upcoming recession. Economic conditions are determined by a broad range of factors, so rather than explaining them each in depth, let’s lean on the experts and what history tells us to see what could lie

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What To Expect From the Housing Market in 2023

The 2022 housing market has been defined by two key things: inflation and rapidly rising mortgage rates. And in many ways, it’s put the market into a reset position. As the Federal Reserve (the Fed) made moves this year to try to lower inflation, mortgage rates more than doubled – something that’s never happened before in a calendar year.

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Homeownership Is an Investment in Your Future

There are many people thinking about buying a home, but with everything affecting the economy, some are wondering if it’s a smart decision to buy now or if it makes more sense to wait it out. As Bob Broeksmit, President and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), explains: “The desire for homeownership is strong. Many prospective buyers are

Homeownership Is an Investment in Your Future Read More »


Prioritizing Your Wants and Needs as a Homebuyer in Today’s Market

There’s no denying mortgage rates are higher now than they were last year. And if you’re thinking about buying a home, this may be top of mind for you. That’s because those higher rates impact how much it costs to borrow money for your home loan. As you set out to make a purchase this winter,

Prioritizing Your Wants and Needs as a Homebuyer in Today’s Market Read More »


Your House Could Be the #1 Item on a Homebuyer’s Wish List During the Holidays

Each year, homeowners planning to make a move are faced with a decision: sell their house during the holidays or wait. And others who have already listed their homes may think about removing their listings and waiting until the new year to go back on the market. The truth is many buyers want to purchase a home for

Your House Could Be the #1 Item on a Homebuyer’s Wish List During the Holidays Read More »


Home Equity: A Source of Strength for Homeowners Today

Experts agree there’s no chance of a large-scale foreclosure crisis like we saw back in 2008, and that’s good news for the housing market. As Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American, says: “. . . don’t expect a housing bust like the mid-2000s, as lending standards in this housing cycle have been much tighter and homeowners have

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Pre-Approval Is a Critical First Step on Your Homebuying Journey

If you’re planning to buy a home this year, one of the first steps on your journey is getting pre-approved. Especially in today’s market when mortgage rates are higher than they were just a few months ago, getting a mortgage pre-approval can be a game changer. Here’s why. What Is Pre-Approval? To better understand why pre-approval is key, it’s important to know

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The Emotional and Non-financial Benefits of Homeownership

With higher mortgage rates, you might be wondering if now’s the best time to buy a home. While the financial aspects are important to consider, there are also powerful non-financial reasons it may make sense to make a move. Here are just a few of the benefits that come with homeownership. Homeowners Can Make Their Home Truly

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Should You Still Buy a Home with the Latest News About Inflation?

While the Federal Reserve is working hard to bring down inflation, the latest data shows the inflation rate is still high, remaining around 8%. This news impacted the stock market and added fuel to the fire for conversations about a recession. You’re likely feeling the impact in your day-to-day life as you watch the cost of goods and services

Should You Still Buy a Home with the Latest News About Inflation? Read More »

Sawyer Hicks Home Valuation

Perspective Matters When Selling Your House Today

Does the latest news about the housing market have you questioning your plans to sell your house? If so, perspective is key. Here are some of the ways a trusted real estate professional can explain the shift that’s happening today and why it’s still a sellers’ market even during the cooldown. Fewer Homes for Sale than Pre-Pandemic

Perspective Matters When Selling Your House Today Read More »

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What Are Experts Saying About the Fall Housing Market?

The housing market is rapidly changing from the peak frenzy it saw over the past two years. That means you probably have questions about what your best move is if you’re thinking of buying or selling this fall. To help you make a confident decision, lean on the professionals for insights. Here are a few things experts are saying about

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Connie Alexander Jacks Home Valuation

The Long-Term Benefit of Homeownership

Today’s cooling housing market, the rise in mortgage rates, and mounting economic concerns have some people questioning: should I still buy a home this year? While it’s true this year has unique challenges for homebuyers, it’s important to factor the long-term benefits of homeownership into your decision. Consider this: if you know people who bought a home

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Two Questions Every Homebuyer Should Ask Themselves Right Now

Rising interest rates have begun to slow an overheated housing market as monthly mortgage payments have risen dramatically since the beginning of the year. This is leaving some people who want to purchase a home priced out of the market and others wondering if now is the time to buy one. But this rise in borrowing cost shows

Two Questions Every Homebuyer Should Ask Themselves Right Now Read More »

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The Cost of Waiting for Mortgage Rates To Go Down

Mortgage rates have increased significantly in recent weeks. And that may mean you have questions about what this means for you if you’re planning to buy a home. Here’s some information that can help you make an informed decision when you set your homebuying plans. The Impact of Rising Mortgage Rates As mortgage rates rise, they

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How an Expert Can Help You Understand Inflation & Mortgage Rates

  If you’re following today’s housing market, you know two of the top issues consumers face are inflation and mortgage rates. Let’s take a look at each one. Inflation and the Housing Market This year, inflation reached a high not seen in forty years. For the average consumer, you probably felt the pinch at the gas pump and in

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If You’re Thinking of Selling Your House This Fall, Hire a Pro

Today’s market is at a turning point, making it more essential than ever to work with a real estate professional. Not only will a trusted real estate advisor keep you updated and help you make the best decisions based on current market trends, but they’re also experts in managing the many aspects of selling your house.

If You’re Thinking of Selling Your House This Fall, Hire a Pro Read More »

Dylan Carr Home Valuation

Will My House Still Sell in Today’s Market?

If recent headlines about the housing market cooling and buyer demand moderating have you worried you’ve missed your chance to sell, here’s what you need to know. Buyer demand hasn’t disappeared, it’s just eased from the peak intensity we saw over the past two years. Buyer Demand Then and Now During the pandemic, mortgage rates hit record lows,

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Top Reasons Homeowners Are Selling Their Houses Right Now

  Some people believe there’s a group of homeowners who may be reluctant to sell their houses because they don’t want to lose the historically low mortgage rate they have on their current home. You may even have the same hesitation if you’re thinking about selling your house. Data shows 51% of homeowners have a mortgage rate under 4% as

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What Experts Say Will Happen with Home Prices Next Year

Experts are starting to make their 2023 home price forecasts. As they do, most agree homes will continue to gain value, just at a slower pace. Over the past couple of years, home prices have risen at an unsustainable rate, leaving many to wonder how long it would last. If you’re asking yourself: what’s ahead for the

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This House Hacking Strategy Can Guarantee Your Rental Income Each Month

Qualifying your property as Section 8 housing can guarantee that your monthly rent checks come in. Many of you know that house hackingis a great way to build your real estate portfolio, especially when you’re just starting. By living in the property you’re renting out, you can take advantage of owner-occupant financing. But even more importantly,

This House Hacking Strategy Can Guarantee Your Rental Income Each Month Read More »

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Buyers Are Regaining Some of Their Negotiation Power in Today’s Housing Market

  If you’re thinking about buying a home today, there’s welcome news. Even though it’s still a sellers’ market, it’s a more moderate sellers’ market than last year. And the days of feeling like you may need to waive contingencies or pay drastically over asking price to get your offer considered may be coming to a

Buyers Are Regaining Some of Their Negotiation Power in Today’s Housing Market Read More »

Photo courtesy of Keeping Current Matters

Why It’s So Important To Hire a Pro 

  Some Highlights If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, you’ll want a trusted real estate professional on your side for their industry experience and expert insights. The right advisor utilizes the latest technology and can help you navigate today’s home pricing and market values, the contracts and fine print, and the negotiations you’ll face. Let’s connect so you have expert

Why It’s So Important To Hire a Pro  Read More »

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How Owning a Home Builds Your Net Worth

Owning a home is a major financial milestone and an achievement to take pride in. One major reason: the equity you build as a homeowner gives your net worth a big boost. And with high inflation right now, the link between owning your home and building your wealth is especially important. If you’re looking to increase your financial security, here’s

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Blog August

Selling Your House? Your Asking Price Matters More Now Than Ever

There’s no doubt about the fact that the housing market is slowing from the frenzy we saw over the past two years. But what does that mean for you if you’re thinking of selling your house? While home prices are still appreciating in most markets and experts say that will continue, they’re climbing at a slower pace because rising

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